All fires in the current and previous years Whole country
| 727
| 746
| 1503
| 1379
| 1029
| 714
| 721
| 627
| 1616
| 1072
| 783
| 652
| 1012
| 585
| 2063
| 1088
| 1010
| 651
| 610
| 965
| 1610
| 1158
| 793
| 818
| 574
| 1195
| 2310
| 930
| 738
| 711
| 598
| 681
| 1551
| 1021
| 792
| 35
| Average of the years 2020-2022 | Year 2023 | Year 2024 | |
| | January | | February | | March | | April | | May | | June | | July | | August | | September | | October | | November | | December | |
All fires in the current and previous years Whole country
818 |
714 |
793 |
1029 |
1158 |
1379 |
1610 |
1503 |
965 |
746 |
711 |
652 |
738 |
783 |
930 |
1072 |
2310 |
1616 |
1195 |
627 |
651 |
792 |
1010 |
1021 |
1088 |
1551 |
2063 |
681 |
| 12052 |
| 11929 |
| 11087 |
| Average of the years 2020-2022 |
| Year 2023 |
| Year 2024 | |
| | January | | February | | March | | April | | May | | June | | July | | August | | September | | October | | November | | December | |
Explanation of the statistics
| The statistics contain data on the accidents and emergencies reported to the emergency response centres, in which the rescue services participated.The statistics contain building fires, risks of building fires, wildfires, vehicle fires and other fires.The statistics have been run on 3.12.2024 1:30:20
| |